Since 2010

Nexorades are simple to built and assemble but the bending moment generated by the engagement length limit the structural potential of theses structures. Two strategies were investigated. The first strategy was to develop the concept of creating a double layer system in order to increase the structural depth. The second strategy was to use plate element to generate nexorades.

Description of the research

Nexorades are simple to built and assemble but the bending moment generated by the engagement length limit the structural potential of theses structures. Two strategies were investigated. The first strategy was to develop the concept of creating a double layer system in order to increase the structural depth. The second strategy was to use plate element to generate nexorades.

(Douthe 2014) investigates configurations that gives a double layer nexorade and studies the structural behaviour of such structures. (Baverel 2013) and (Baverel 2014) explore the potential of nexorades constituted with planar elements. Different workshops were also carried out on this topic and gave interesting results and models.