Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020

Pavilion Exhibition

The Thinkshell pavilion exhibition for AAG2020 is intended at showing new constructive possibilities offered by recent advances in mathematics at architectural scale through practical realisations of the group. The various pavilions are set along the way between two main buildings of the conference, between the main amphitheatre and the multi-purpose room where meals are to be served. Some are indoor pavilions, other outdoors. In total, ten realisations can be seen. The major six are detailed in a two pages presentation in the addendum of the proceedings book.

We warmly thank here all the people involved in the various realisations (students, colleagues and consultants), all the industrial partners and the various institutions for giving us the possibility to experiment and to draw hence a continuum from theory to practice.

Building freeform 2019


The 2019 edition illustrates the research  on constructive geometry through the construction of a wooden caravel mesh.

Building freeform 2017


This edition exploits the new robotic manufacturing cell and address main complex structures constraints: connections, flatness of panels and formal freedom.

Hybrid Structural Skin


Bracing elastic gridshells in their final form remains a time consuming step with a lot of handiwork. The lack of alternative to membrane covering is also an important limit to the development of such technology. The proposed experiment tries to tackle both issues through a novel concept of hybrid structural skin made of an elastic gridshell braced with a concrete envelop. The idea is to use the gridshell as formwork for the concrete and to insure a connection between the thin concrete skin.