
S-G. Shih


Grammar is a kind of abstract representations for defining how the composite whole can be derived from a hierarchy of mutually related parts. This paper discusses how grammars can be used as a means to assist the design and construction of large and complex compositions out of a simple building block.

An SL block is an octocube designed for making semi-interlocking structures extensible in three orthogonal directions. String re-write grammars are used to define languages of SL block compositions. It is expected to establish a mathematical basis for SL block compositions. Investigations and speculations through concepts, principles and notations of such a grammatical approach are proposed. A building frame form generator is devised to provide views towards how SL blocks can be systematically arranged to create architectural forms. With the grammatical approach, it might be possible to implement compilers for high level composition languages of SL block compositions.


Session VIII




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